Terms and conditions

Regarding Custom Calligraphy Inquiries


To make sure the client gets the best customer’s experience, we must follow the steps underneath. 

1. Let’s chat : We discuss want you are looking for, the color palette, image, price, time frame,… to go over the details of your project and how I can help bring your vision to life!

2. Proposal : Once we’ve been through the details of your request, I’ll create a custom quote. From there we’ll move to the proposal stage which irons out the scope of work, deliverables, and timeline. 

3. Design : Depending of the nature of the project, design mock-ups and revision rounds may be included in your proposal. With all projects, your input will be integral to ensure you’re happy with the final product! 

4. Delivery : If you’re local to Brussels, or the surrounding areas, we can arrange for in person delivery. For clients outside of the region, shipping can be arranged. All delivery methods will be agreed upon prior to engagement.

Article 1 : Definitions

1. Assia Lucki, established in Brussels, Belgium, with the Chamber of Commerce number  0793244620, is referred to in these general terms and conditions as Assia Lückerath.

2. The other party will be referred to as the client in these general terms and conditions.

3. Agreement means the contract of assignment pursuant to which Assia Lückerath performs work for the client in exchange of payment of fees and costs and whereby the general terms and conditions have been declared applicable.

Article 2 : Applicability of general terms and conditions

1. These terms and conditions apply to all quotations, activities, agreements and delivery

of services and products by or on behalf of Assia Lückerath to which she has declared these terms and conditions applicable insofar as these terms and conditions have not been expressly deviated from in writing.

2. The terms and conditions also apply to the actions of third parties engaged by Assia Lückerath in the context of the assignment.

3. The latest version of these general terms and conditions always applies.

Article 3 : Rates and payments

1. The agreement is entered into for a definite period, unless the nature of the agreement dictates otherwise or if the parties expressly agree otherwise in writing.

2. The rates agreed upon at the conclusion of the agreement are based on the price level applicable at that time. If because of unexpected circumstances/ special requests/inflation the price changes, the client will always be informed before both parties settle the agreement.

3. Invoices must be paid within 30 calendar days that follow the invoice date, unless the parties have agreed otherwise in writing, or a different payment term is stated on the invoice.

4. If the client remains in default of timely payment of an invoice, he is legally in default and owing statutory interest. The interest on the amount due will be calculated from the moment that the customer is in default until the moment of payment of the full amount due.

Article 4 : Client information

1. The client shall make all information relevant to the execution of the assignment available to Assia Luckerath.

2. The client guarantees the accuracy, completeness and reliability of the information made available, even if it originates from third parties. Assia Lückerath will keep the data confidential.

3. The client indemnifies Assia Lückerath against any damage resulting from failure to comply with the provisions stated in this article.

4. If the client fails to make the required information available or to do so in time and the execution of the order is delayed as a result, the extra costs resulting from this shall be borne by the client.

Article 5 : Execution of the Agreement

1. Assia Lückerath executes the assignment to the best of her knowledge and ability. Assia Lückerath is not liable for not achieving the result intended by the client.

Article 6 : Modification and cancellation

1. In case of unforeseen circumstances, Assia Lückerath has the option to interrupt, move or cancel an agreement. Unforeseen circumstances include the following, illness and circumstances that occur with respect to materials, services and locations necessary for the proper execution of the agreement. Assia Lückerath notifies the client of a change as referred to in this paragraph at least two days prior to a service. The parties will jointly attempt to reschedule the agreement or an equivalent replacement will be sought.

Article 7 : Liability

1. Assia Lückerath is not liable for damages resulting from this agreement, unless the damage

was caused intentionally or with gross negligence.

2. Assia Lückerath is not liable for any loss or damage resulting from the fact that she relied on incorrect or incomplete information provided by or on behalf of the client provided incorrect or incomplete information.

3. Assia Lückerath is not liable for the loss, theft or damage of personal property of

the client during the provision of services on location.

4. The client is ultimately responsible for checking the quality of the supplied content and products.

5. Assia Lückerath cannot be held liable for color deviations on non-calibrated monitors and prints supplied by someone other than Assia Lückerath.

6. Assia Lückerath cannot be held responsible of actions or omissions of third parties, as well as operation of software, even when recommended by Assia Lückerath. 

7. Customer remains at all times solely responsible for applying or performing knowledge or actions as acquired during an agreement.

8. Assia Lückerath is not liable for errors in supplied texts or incorrect use of copyrighted images if the client has given his approval for the concept or has been given the opportunity to do so and did not make use of it.

9. Assia Lückerath is not responsible for conducting research into the existence of rights of third parties. The client confirms that all documents delivered to Assia Lückerath are the property of the client and hereby excludes liability of Assia Lückerath in this respect.

10. In the event that Assia Lückerath owes compensation to customer, the damage

not exceed the amount charged by Assia Lückerath to customer.

Article 8 : Intellectual Property

1. Customer is granted publication rights after full payment. Customer is not entitled to use the supplied material for purposes other than those agreed upon.

2. Customer is not entitled to edit or sell delivered material (or have it edited).

3. Any action in violation of this article is considered copyright infringement.

4. By entering into the agreement, the client gives Assia Lückerath permission to use the (image) material and results for portfolio, own website, advertisements, social media,

magazine articles, printed matter, trade fair material and demonstration material, unless an explicit objection to this is made. In sharing this material excluding any sensitive information contained therein and respecting the client’s privacy rights.

5. When client wants to take pictures during a workshop/course/training, permission is needed from all attendees. Photographs on which the content of the workshop is clearly visible may only be distributed in moderation and naming.

Article 9 : Special Provisions

1. Both parties are bound to maintain the confidentiality of all confidential information obtained in the context of their agreement. Customer is referred to the privacy statement.

Article 10 : Delivery

1. The shipping address shall be the address provided by the customer. Assia Lückerath is not liable for errors in providing this delivery information.

2. Shipping via letterbox post or letterbox package is at the customer’s own risk. Assia Lückerath strongly recommends to send orders of products or printed matter via parcel post which is insured & traceable. Only when shipping via parcel post with insurance is Assia Lückerath liable for a proper delivery.

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